It's been quite a sad week here in Bago. On Monday we found out that Mike Mitchell and Kyle Mitchell died in a terrible farming accident. I worked for Jan Mitchell the wife and mother of these two men. Jeremy, Justin and Jamie remember Teresa Adam and Amanda Smallwood, well this was Teresa's cousin. Greg & Stephanie Kielback's uncle.....The Mitchell's are a very large family here in this little town and well known.
Jordan and I went to the visitation today. We got in line at 3:20 and walked out from the visitation at 6:05. The family was pretty amazing. You can tell they are a very close family. They all pulled together finding pictures of Mike and Kyle and the family being together. John the oldest of the Mitchell boys said to me.....remember that sign in the band room that reads: ~Don't sweat the small stuff~and~it's all small stuff, I've been trying to think of that all this week.
I don't think losing a Dad and a brother on the same day is small stuff. But he was trying to find a place for that in his life right now. Kyle was about to be engaged. He had just bought his girlfriend a diamond ring. AND when they found Kyle in the manure pit he was holding his Dad in his arms. Jan the Mom said to me Give your Kids lots of hugs and your is too unpredictable. I love each one of you very much. We pray for each one of you by name in our prayers. Please know of our love for you. MOM/Donna/Grandma/Nana
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
1.As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

There was a storm last week that blew a huge branch from our neighbors tree onto an old tree of another neighbor. Well yesterday with a very slight breeze the branch came crashing down. It broke our neighbors white fence. AND as you can see came across the road....we were traped in our own driveway. BUT our other neighbors let us drive on their lawn so we were able to get out. We haven't had this much excitment since Matt hit the gas line at the Millers house!!!!
***Things left out***

Jordan has one of the most creative minds I've ever known....and and will to do! He decided that with all our torn and worn out chairs they needed to be recovered. SO he set out to do just that. The process went like this. I took the staples out of the old...and cut and put on the new covers. Here he is seen cleaning the chairs all up. They look like NEW. I miss you Jordan so much
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cheryl Brian, Joshua, Elder
Pratt, Elder Jensen
Jamie spoke and really brought the spirit into the meeting...we sang I like to look for rainbows...I am a child of God....And I know that my redeemer lives. After the baptism they had a testimony meeting. Cheryl got up first and then there were several members who have be converted that shared their testimonies with the Hart family....David ended the meeting with his testimony and the spirit was VERY strong...he is a very shy man and it took a lot for him to get up. OH IT WAS SOOOO Amazing.
Josh had to be baptized twice because the missionary said a wrong word....Jordan had to baptized Cheryl 5 times because her elbow kept coming up.....and she's afraid of water. THEY Both did so well though. Tomorrow they will be confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by the restored priesthood that's upon the earth....President Johnson (DAD)is going to do that.4th of JULY

The Family Fest consisted of pony rides for little kids, a tractor pull, blow up machines for kids to jump in, a parade, lots of friends and family to help celebrate with us. Thank you Jamie and Jordan for being was so special for so many different reasons. A few pictures to show you about our day!!!
The Changing Neighborhood..continuted
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