Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Life's disapointments

I flew out to Idaho April 8th for two very important reasons. ONE Justin and Haylee were graduating together, on April 11th. TWO Jeremy and Morgan's twins were born March 25th and I was going to go help out. Well I missed graduation and I saw the twins through Jeremy and Morgan's apartment window.........WHY? I got bronchitis and had a sinus infection. I was sick the in tire time. So I'm not posting any pictures of this sad event. But I want to say Congrats to Haylee and Justin EVEN THOUGH I wasn't there it still HAPPENED which is the most important thing!!! AND the twins are growing well and getting bigger. Sorry Morgan I couldn't come help, I feel absolutely terrible about that.


Stephanie said...

That totally stinks that you got sick. I'm glad you are feeling better! Now you'll have to go back out for another trip - darn. Congrats to everyone in your family. Way to go Jordan on his eagle too!

Haylee said...

oh you are so sweet!! We loved having you even though I am sure you didn't love being there on your sick bed. We can't wait to see you again.